A Detailed Guide On Chimney Inspection

For peace of mind and to ensure that your chimney is functioning optimally you should undertake regular chimney inspection. Chimney experts recommend that you clean your chimney at least once a year. When inspecting your unit you need to focus on these areas:

Chimney flue

Your inspection of the flue should depend on the type of flue that you have. If you have a tile or poured-in-place flue, it should be free of chips, cracks, and improper sealing. If your flue is made from metal it shouldn’t have any rust spots. If you notice any problem you should ask a professional to look into it.

It’s common for the flue to accumulate creosote that results from wood burning. Little creosote can’t hurt your chimney but when the levels are too high they put your chimney at the risk of catching fire. During the inspection, you should inspect the creosote levels and if they are too high, ask a chimney cleaning professional to clean the fireplace.

Chimney hardware

Many units that make up the chimney hardware. They include: chimney caps, metal flashing, and chimney doors. You should inspect these units and ensure that they are in good condition. Chimney caps protect your flue from water damage. They also prevent the fire sparks from landing on the roof of your house. If the chimney caps are missing or damaged you should have them replaced or repaired by an experienced chimney company.

You should also take a look at the condition of the metal flashing and ensure that it isn’t loose or covered in excessive tar. A loose flashing will allow water to get into the chimney thus causing water damage. You should tighten the flashing and if damaged, have it replaced. While you are inspecting the chimney also take a look at the cleanout doors and ensure that they are working properly. They should open and close easily. If there is a malfunctioning door you should have it replaced as soon as possible.

Chimney masonry

Faults in the masonry of your chimney can result in the collapse of your chimney. You should inspect the masonry and ensure that it’s sturdy. Cracks and improper sealing on the masonry put your chimney at the risk of water damage. If there are any problems with the masonry you should ask your masonry contractor to fix the problem. For ideal results ensure that the contractor you hire is certified and experienced enough.

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