4 Of The Most Common Chimney Cleaning Myths As Given By Chimney Cleaning Services Providers

Although the chimney has been around since time in memorial, there are plenty of myths surrounding it that tends to derail most homeowners. Here are some of these myths as given by chimney cleaning services providers:

When you use of salt, sweeping logs, and other chemicals, you don’t need to sweep the chimney

You must have heard this when installing the chimney. You should note that these products reduce the buildup of creosote. When soot gets on the chimney surface, it gets loose and falls off onto the smoke shelf.

This means that while it might not be on the chimney, it will pile up on the smoke shelf, putting your chimney at the risk of catching fire. As a result of this, you shouldn’t ignore hiring a chimney sweep simply because you are using the products.

In addition to using the products, you also need to use the sweeping expert who will help you in getting rid of the piled up creosote. While the sweeping logs are good, avoid using them in a wood burning stove. This is because they tend to cause damage to the stove.

A good chimney fire once or twice a year is enough to keep your chimney clean

It’s true that a chimney fire burns up creosote in the chimney thus reducing it. While this is the case, if you have a lot of creosote, you can put your house at the risk of fire.

Remember, creosote is highly flammable; therefore, when there is a lot of it, it can easily catch fire putting you and your family at risk.

The fire can also crack the flue, allowing the fire to spread through the walls of the house. In some cases, the sparks from the fire can catch your roof, putting it on fire.

Before you put on any fire in the chimney, take your time to first inspect the amount of creosote in the chimney and if too much, remove it. You can hire a chimney cleaning professional, but if you have the skills, go ahead and do it by yourself.

You don’t need to clean the chimney when burning hard, seasoned wood

There is a lot of information online purporting how good seasoned wood is. Most of the people argue that seasoned wood burns clean thus you don’t need to clean your chimney. There is nothing that is further from the truth than this.

Remember, nothing burns clean. Even the hardest wood will still produce some soot that puts your house at the risk of fire if you don’t remove it early enough.

In spite of using seasoned wood, you also need to hire a chimney sweep professional, at least once a year to inspect the chimney and clean it if dirty.

For you to get the most from the seasoned wood, you should ensure that you buy the best one. Remember, there are plenty of vendors that advertise “seasoned wood” but they don’t deliver it. Take time when buying and ensure that you buy genuine hardened wood.

Properly seasoned wood should be cut, split, and stacked for 1-2 years. The moisture content should be 20% or below. If you have never bought the wood before, ask a professional to help you out.

You don’t need to hire a professional. You can clean the chimney by yourself

You can clean your chimney for years and the unit won’t develop any issues. You will be able to execute this when you have a small chimney and the necessary chimney sweep skills.

Do you have a large chimney and you have never cleaned it before? You shouldn’t attempt cleaning it by yourself. The best way out is to hire a chimney professional to do it for you.

The cool thing about hiring the professional is that he/she has the necessary experience and has done it before. The professional also has the necessary tools to give the chimney the clean look it deserves.

For you to have an easy time working with the professional, hire the most reputable and experienced one. Also, ensure that the chimney sweep Annapolis has a great personality. This is to allow you to have an easy time interacting with him/her.

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