Fireplace Safety Tips for Homeowners

Having a gas fireplace turns your ho-hum living area into a warm and inviting space, even on chilly nights. In comparison to the wood-burning fireplaces, the gas-powered ones are easy and convenient to use. You do not require logs and kindling light. You just have to press a button or flip the switch so you can start getting cozy in front of the fire. When you want to finally extinguish the fire, you just have to turn it off.

Like any other appliances in your home that reduces heat, there are some safety considerations to remember when you are using a gas fireplace. Aside from talking to a chimney inspection service, here are tips you can follow to make sure that you are safe.

You Should Never Leave the Fireplace Unsupervised

You are going to get the most use and enjoyment of the fireplace of your home while you are in the same room. Gas fireplaces and the glass protecting them can feel hot when you touch it. That means you or an adult should help in keeping pets or kids away from the fireplace so that they will not burn themselves. You also want to make sure that nothing flammable like books, toys, or blankets are left too close to the fireplace.

If your fireplace is in the bedroom or you use the living room as the guest room sometimes, consider if it is safe to sleep while the fireplace is on? In general, you should turn the fireplace off while you sleep.

Have the Fireplace and Chimney Inspected

Ask a professional to clean and inspect your fireplace, as well as your chimney every year before you start using it during the season. If you use a wood or gas fireplace, you should open the chimney flue before starting the fire to allow fresh air to feed into the flames and allow the smoke to escape. You can close the flue after the fire pit has been put out.

You should keep the surrounding area of the fireplace free from all flammable objects. You should be extra cautious during the holidays. Keep decorations and stockings at a safe distance so that they will not catch fire and you should not use your fireplace to burn anything. Paper and pine burn intensely and they can lead to a chimney or roof fire.

Detectors of Carbon Monoxide

Do you have detectors for carbon monoxide that are installed in your entire home? If not, you must install them before you use the fireplace again. Carbon monoxide does not have any odor, it is tasteless, and scentless which can kill you if you inhale it. This is released by gas-powered fireplaces and appliances, but it should normally get dispersed outside. If your chimney has an obstruction, carbon monoxide can accumulate in your home.

Keep Children Away from it

You should teach your kids fireplace safety as early as possible. While they are young, you should already talk to your children regarding the risks of fire and explain the importance of why they should keep their distance. If you are unsure about how to tell your child about burns and injuries a fire could cause, talk to your family pediatrician. They will be able to give you pointers on how you can communicate how serious the situation is without causing trauma or excessive fear.

Make it a rule at home that children should not be in the same room as a burning fire unless there is an adult to supervise them.

You can contact chimney sweep Upper Marlboro anytime to have your chimney inspected and cleaned.

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