Keep your family safe with chimney maintenance

Chimney maintenance is imperative if you own a fireplace. Deadly fires, chemical poisoining and expensive chimney repair are some of the serious consequence associated with lack or ignorance of chimney maintenance. Whether you want to know more about these dangers or whether you want to know as what to expect with chimney cleaning then read on to know some of the essential things:

Chimney Fires

Smoke goes up in the chimney in case of fire. Some of the smoke condenses in the form of creosote on the flue. Creosote is a hard tar-like substance formed in the chimney with time. Whenever a thick coat of this substance catches fire then it leads to a frightening chimney fire. The chances of creosote formation are more when the fire is lit for the first time. A cold chimney leads to more condensation of smoke on the chimney flue. So, a continuous fire will usually filthy a chimney slowly than other types of fires.

Chimney fires are very hot and it leads the surrounding walls and rafters break open into flames. The fire open out at such a rapid speed that firefighters seems to be too late to reach the destination. The high temperature fire also leads to cracks to appear in the chimney and the flue. Whenever, any fuel is burned inside your fireplace, wood or gas stove or furnace it generates carbon monoxide. Normally,these harmful fumes vent up safely through the chimney but if the chimney leakage occurs then the fumes captures the home.

Chimney Maintenance Tips

The Chimney Safety Institute suggests that if you use fireplace or woodstove more than thrice in a week then make sure to hire a chimney contractor for chimney cleaning and inspection at least once in a year.
Normally, a comprehensive chimney maintenance costs around $298. The location of your house, timing of the year and the soot level of the chimney fluctuates this price. Regular chimney sweeping keeps the costs under control and prevent the chances of major chimney repairs that can cost several dollars.

Furnace Flue

Make sure to clean your furnace flue every time along with chimney cleaning. Although, furnace flues are less prone to creosote formation, still they get fouled with chlorine and sulfur. The accumulation of these chemicals leads to the formation of a powerful acid to eat away the flue.

Chimney Liners

Most of the new chimneys have in-built chimney liners. These liners can be of metal, cement or tile and helps to create an airtight path for your chimney. It helps to increase the area between the heat and the combustible surfaces like rafters. It also provides extra protection from fire and prevents water to enter into the masonry work, where it might damage the chimney by freezing. All the efficient furnaces use chimneys with appropriate sized liners. So,maintain your chimney with timely chimney inspection and repair and keep your family safe and secure.

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